St. Macartin's Cathedral

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Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News"
                        Church Family December 2019 - January 2023

Our monthly church magazine, "Cathedral News", often devotes special pages featuring organisations and prominent members. Starting with the December 2019/January 2023 issue, an easy-find index appears on this page. 

To see the index for  December 2016/January 2017 through to December 2019/January 2020, click HERE
December 2019/January 2020
Bellringers - Page 21

February 2020

Christmas events - Pages 8-9
Choir Dinner - Page 11
Messy Church - Pages 12-13
Sunday School - Page 14
Xplore - Page 15
Knitwits Christmas Party - Page 17
Mothers' Union - Stephanie Hamilton and Jenifer Johnston - Page 23
Tuesday Club - Page 24

March 2020

Messy Church - Pages 10-11
Dr Colin Mootoo - Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union - Pages 18-19
Parish Lunch - Page 20
Tuesday Club - Page 21

September 2020 (All photos pre-Lockdown)

Choir "Zoom" quiz in lockdown
Messy Church Pages 20-21
Xplore - Page 22
Page 23 - Mother's' Union
Jenifer Johnston appointment as Deputy Lieutenant of Co. Fermanagh - Page 30

October 2020

Rector's Churchwarden Linda Kingston - Pages 12-13
People's Churchwarden Audrey Williamson - Page 13

November 2020

Select Vestry - Page 9
Launch of the book "The Spirit of the Psalms" (Dr William Holmes) Pages 10-11
Jessica Murray, Deputy Head Girl at Enniskillen Royal Grammar School - Pages 14-15
Dean Hall - ten years of service to the cathedral - Pages 16-18

December 2020/January 2021

Jane McKinley - Pages 16-17
Messy Church - Page 23

February 2021

Laura and Sophie Richmond (youth workers) - Pages 14-15

April and May 2021

Will Stevenson - Page 5
June Crowe - Page 14

June 2021

Sue Hogg - Pages 16-17

July and August 2021

John Owens  Pages 14-15

September 2021

Liz Robertson  Pages 14-15

November 2021

Rev. Christopher West  (new Curate) - Page 15

December 2021 and January 2022

Mothers' Union - Pages 22-23

February 2022

Charlotte McGuigan - our young champion wrestler! - Page 13
Peter Mayes - Pages 16-17 (sadly, Peter later died on 31st March)
Mothers' Union - Page 18
Myrtle Irvine UK Air Ambulance Volunteer of the Year - Page 22-23
Beth Rennick - Page 24

March 2022

Canon Desmond Kingston - Pages 14-15

May 2022

Scott Elliott - selected for Ordination - Page 5
2022-23 Select Vestry - Pages 14-15
George Irvine - Scouting award - Page 25
"Knitwits" knitting group - Pages 26-27

June 2022
New Churchwardens - Alana Williamson and Nathan Clyde - Page 6
Mothers' Union outing - Pages 18-19

July and August 2022
Nathan Clyde - Page 14
Alana Williamson - Page 15

September 2022
Scott Elliott - commencement of clerical training. - Page 13
Bishop Ian Ellis - enthronement - Page 18

October 2022
Peter Booth - clerical trainee - Pages 18-19

November 2022
Baby Eliza Henry and her grandmother Violet Vennard - Page 14

December 2022 - January 2023
60th Anniversary of the ordination of Canon Peter Wilson - Pages 14-15